Call to Order:   7:42 PM

President Melanie Fernandez, KJ4VCT, called the meeting to order and lead the members in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll Call:

Roll call of the entire membership present was given. Thirty two (32) people were in attendance.

Minutes of the Previous Meeting were approved as they appeared on the website. A correction to the attendance was made.

Treasurer’s Report:

Ricki gave the report

Membership Report:

Joe McGee 81 members in 2019, 53 are ARRL members & 16 Life

Testing Report:

Three people tested 2 new Generals and 1 new Technician

Repeater Report:

None as Rick was out of state.

Webmaster Report:

John Cole, N1QFH send in blogs


Carol Sjursen re the Boat Parade: December 14th. Dec. 9th installation of the Antennas. Nov. 11th mandatory training meeting.

Kenny Hollenbeck said that we still need SEFTN net control operators. Also he mentioned that the net information is reported monthly.

Winter Field Day January 25. Joe McGee outlined the plans. Setup at 9 AM and session ending at 8 PM. Dan Vasilca, Ricky Eaton and Jeff Stahl will all work with Joe to finalize the plans. Last June’s Field Day was highly successful. We placed 5th in the Southeast and70th nationwide.

Election of Officers

Al Flapan announced the slate for 2020. Ricki Witte stepped down as Treasurer. Erik Olmer agreed to be the Treasurer. Otherwise, the existing officers agreed to stay on for another year. John Cole moved that the nominations be closed and the slate accepted. It was seconded and agreed to by the group.

The 2020 officers are: Melanie Fernandez, President, Joe Mcgee VP, Erik Olmer, Treasurer and Roy Neiman, Secretary, Jeff Stahl Dir at Large, Mike Wolf, Director PIO, Rick Eaton Trustee

50/50 Raffle: Was won by Jeff Stahl K4BH.

2 Afgans donated by Barry Porter’s mother were auctioned off. One to Al Nevares N4ACN for $40.00 and the other to Sherry Tullo KB5VWW for $20.00


Kenny Hollenbeck gave a brief presentation on the dangers of electricity if not handled properly. Also, he gave a variety of “Tips and Tricks” regarding Antennas and Radios

Meet adjourned at 9:02PM.

Respectfully submitted by Secretary Roy Neiman KJ4EGN

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