Call to Order:

Meeting called to order by President Melanie Fernandez @ 7:30PM by leading the group in the PLEDGE of ALLEGIANCE.


Thirty Three people in attendance (33).


President Melanie Fernandez expressed gratitude for the many hams who showed up at the Winter Field Day Event @ Quiet Waters Park on Sat. Jan 25 and Sunday Jan. 26, 2020. It was a huge success.

Dan Vasilca AI4WW provided an informal breakdown of our points ending with a total of 18,342. Formal report to be filed at a later date.

Melanie formed more Committees to help the Board provide assistance in planning future events.

Sunshine Committee will be Roy Neiman KJ4EGN and Ron LaFontaine W4RDL who will address the special needs of our community in times of illness and report to the group.

The Food Committee will handle the planning, purchase and preparation of the food for our outdoor events in the future.

Volunteers include Erik Olmer W4EJO, Stephen Martin W4NQR, Mike Wolf K2HXC, and Gerald Deitch W4LST.

Special Event Planning (an addendment to the meeting) will have two coordinators. Dan Vasilca AI4WW will lay out FD plans and Joe McGee NX4T will plan the Quarterly Dinners and picnics in Spring and November and assist Dan in setting up the Field Day efforts.


Erik Olmer W4EJO, our new treasurer, thanked the past Treasurer, Ricki Witte KJ4FSH for doing an outstanding job the past several years. Her outgoing report was provided and showed a Total of $4151.01. Our January report will be reported at the February Meeting once our Field Day expenses are tallied.

  See outgoing report from November 2019.

(ESTIMATED Balance after Field Day costs is $3641.41)


Joe McGee NX4T read the report provided by Eric Olmer W4EJO

Members number 85, 25 which have paid their 2020 dues. There are 16 Life Members and 43 members belong to the ARRL. One person  is paid through 2022.


 Jeff Stahl KB4H told us 1 person tested and passed his general exam.


Ricky Easton KD4HGR told us he and Eric Rodriguez are working on the DMR problems. They swapped out the old DMR repeater with a new one to troubleshoot if that was causing the inadequate and spotty coverage for some hams. Results to be discussed at next meeting.

Our Boca Repeater is housed in a facility that just changed hands and the new owners have been less than responsive in allowing us to attend to it. Further attempts will be made before we consider moving it.


Carol Sjursen KJ4ABW, gave a RACES announcement. The Broward EOC was put on alert for a National Security Special Event (NSSE) as of 5pm January 27, 2020. Staffers have been asked to report to the Broward EOC should the need arise. If activated, Hams will be needed to support and assist the EOC in it’s communications effort.

RACES in Miami-Dade are also on alert and are partially activated.

The RACES members present were presented with their new RACES uniform shirts.

John Cole N1QFH announced plans to go to Orlando Hamcation in 2 vans on Saturday, February 8, 2020 at 6 am sharp from the Delray Boca Shack. See more info on website. (Note Three clubs, GCARA, BRARA and WPBARA are combining resources and traveling together)

Mike Wolf, K2HXC will once again be ordering club shirts. Please contact him with shirt size and name and call sign to be embroidered on shirt. Money to be paid to Treasurer Erik Olmer W4EJO. (Note: Pictures from Field Day may be submitted to him as well for the making of a slide show to be presented at the February Meeting.)

Hope Smith W3ABE and Don Search W3AZD need assistance as a result of recent health issues. Contact Melanie Fernandez KJ4VCT @ 954-560-3706 for ways to help them and details.

Barry Porter KB1PA, is also fighting a battle with MG and is in the VA getting Immunotherapy for the disease. Cards and texts appreciated. See Melanie for details. Text him @ 561-251-9150.

Knight of the Round Table is growing and they meet on 146.550. Please check the website for details.

Ralph Boyd, KK4GUB is moving and there is no website as a result.

Contact Kenny Hollenbeck for details and how you can help out.


Web Manager, John Cole N1QFH, asked for more Blog articles to be submitted to him for publication on the website.

50/50 Drawing:

Norm Mandel AC4NM, won the drawing and donated back $25.00 of the winnings to the club. Ralph Tullo N0LO won an ARRL book donated by Ricki Witte.


Paradan Radio Equipment was raffled off.

Paradan Antenna Disconnect went to Dan Vasilca AI4WW and Paradan Power Strip 4+ went to Brandy Coolidge N1HO . It will be drop shipped to him from Mike at Mike’s Electronics.

January SPEAKER:

Kenny Hollenbeck KE4NC gave a short presentation covering the proper use of antenna and power options for the shack. Reminded us that we should not overpower our signals and always invest in the best antenna for the shack, over and above any  items used to boost power.


Notes taken by Carol Sjursen KJ4AWB and transcribed by Melanie Fernandez KJ4VCT. Respectfully submitted in Roy Neiman’s  KJ4EGN absence.

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