GCARA is one of the oldest ham radio clubs in South Florida and celebrating its 50th year in operation. In 1969, it was founded by its first Trustee, Charles Ritchie (Chuck) W4BUG SK, when amateur radio, VHF, UHF, HF repeaters were more of a technical challenge.
To see the Club’s Repeater Frequencies, click here.
To say the hobby has come a long way is an understatement. People no longer join for a phone patch. They want to talk to the astronauts, bounce signals off the moon, use their computers to slow-scan TV or do digital communications. Even though CW (Morse Code) is no longer required at testing for licensure, people still learn and use it today.
Our mission is to join collectively as hams and mentor the younger population or newer hams to the hobby. We fill critical communication needs during disasters and hurricanes throughout the county. We provide communications for events like the Winter Boat Parade and Race events we are invited to. Hopefully, we can continue to foster a love for this ever-changing hobby that will allow it to continue throughout future generations. Come join us today!
CLICK HERE for GCARA in SunBiz for non-profits