President’s Message

CQ, CQ, CQ, CALLING ALL HAMS! April 2024 and May 2024 have been busy months for the GCARA.  In April, I had the pleasure of going to the 85th Anniversary of West Palm Beach Amateur Radio Group up in the Cox Center in West Palm Beach. Barry Porter K1PB, representing the ARRL, was sitting next […]

Out of respect for AL and Anna Jean Karden’s service to GCARA, I would like to invite you to make a donation for a Brick at ARRL for Anna Jean Karden N4KAJ. This can be done at the Parrot website, and make a donation. Donations will automatically stop once the funds goal has been […]

Many of you do not know what goes on in planning a Field Day so I thought I would review some of the processes of this past Winter Field Day. When someone volunteers to head up the committee, in this case Joe McGee NX4T, they map out what they would like to see happen. Joe […]

CQ, CQ, CQ, Calling Field Day………. Once again, GCARA, has experienced another successful Winter Field Day. Many of our experienced hams as well as quite a few untried hands, came together to make a memorable and meaningful event. We came, we pitched in and we communicated on all bands as if performing a symphony for […]

CQ, CQ, CQ, calling ALL hams…………. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!! I hope that the holidays were kind to people and that you made many QSOs with friends and relatives this year. I have been praying for all to have good health this year and many fortuitous opportunities to use their craft with amateur radio. How blessed […]

CQ, CQ, CQ, Calling GCARA Hams……….. August has been a hot month for us and thankfully, our Field Day exercises were held in June, which believe it or not, was about 5-6 degrees cooler!Your Executive Board have made some changes so they could best operate in the club’s interest. As most of you have probably […]

CQ…..CQ…..CQ….Calling all GCARA hams.This communique is to bring everyone up to date on recent changes on the Board. Effective July 25, 2023, our President Erik Olmer W4EJO, resigned from that job to pursue a great job opportunity in his personal life with his company. Since it includes a move to England, Erik has had to […]

CQ, CQ, CQ, Calling all hams……..It is with a great deal of satisfaction and pride that I accept passing on the baton to the next executive board. Congratulations to the elected Board of Directors as accepted by the general membership on November 22, 2022. The new Board has a great deal to accomplish, and I […]

The President’s Message for October 2022 Calling all the GCARA hams! I have some important information for you. First, allow me to remind you that as the year draws to an end, we are focusing on elections of the executive board for 2023. There are many things to be done. First, in order to vote, […]

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