Happy New Year !!!! CQ, CQ, CQ, Calling All Hams!!
Our new year 2025 promises to be the best yet! Our new Board is busy at work keeping the club operational and looking for ways to enrich the lives of our fellow hams.
We are currently checking to make sure everyone gets their emails through Mail Chimp so they know what the club is doing and how to get on the Zoom programs if they cannot make the live presentations at Imperial Point Hospital. If you do not receive our weekly emails, kindly contact Melanie Fernandez KJ4VCT @ 954-560-3706 and let her know.
Before I get into the Winter Field Day talk, I would like to inform you that our President Elect David Pomerantz KO4DKN withdrew his bid for Presidency due to other obligations he was made aware of for this year. He sincerely regrets not being able to lead us but will look forward to a time in the future when he possibly can.
I want to encourage everyone who has a desire for leadership to contact me ANYTIME to discuss the many possibilities. We are currently in search of President and Secretary positions. We are an amiable group on the Board and fun to work with.
Winter Field Day is upon us with new rules and times so please pay attention to the bulletins sent by Joe McGee NX4T, this year’s co- sponsor with Rick Eaton K2HDR. NOW is the time to get onboard for training on how to do a Field Day and to volunteer your help with the project. Please contact Joe McGee NX4T for ways to help him as soon as possible. His phone number is 954-782-3543 and he is waiting to hear from you.

The Hospitality Committee needs help as soon as possible for this Field Day and other events the club will provide for its membership. It includes opportunities to help with shopping, serving or storing the Field Day Hospitality paraphernalia i.e. coolers, plastic bins of supplies and other miscellaneous stuff.
Please contact Melanie if you can see clear to help us with one or many tasks.
This January’s meeting will be Zoom only. See announcements on website W4BUG.org for details. The auditorium at Imperial Point was not available this month and rather than change the week we meet, it was thought better to just do ZOOM. I hope to see all there for Gino Morello’s talk on the Veritium HF Clock.
I would like to remind people that many dues expired in December and this month of January. If you have any questions about your membership dues, please contact Melanie. Being proactive in this matter is both helpful and appreciated. Thank you.
I hope that everyone enjoys a healthy, happy and prosperous New Year this year and that we see a change for the better in all events and circumstances in the world. May God Bless Us All.
Melanie Fernandez KJ4VCT
President Pro Temp