• CQ, CQ, CQ. Calling all hams…….. 

On September 24, 2024, GCARA held their first in person/ZOOM meeting at Imperial Point Hospital since the  COVID epidemic struck. About 20 people attended in person  and 14 showed up on Zoom to hear an out of town speaker talk  on the RFinder DMR Phone. Unfortunately, Mr. Monteverde  was unable to attend, however, in true Ham fashion, Eric  Rodriguez KF4LZA, stepped up to give a nice talk on the phone  as he had the latest version on him. He gave all of the positive  attributes of owning and using this phone and several people  familiar with the product added some comments as well. Dirk  Basting N4AN showed us the tablet version of the RFinder Phone and the whole evening was busy with conversation  about the phone and catching up with old friends now that we  were back in person. 

Our old standby, Dandee donuts, were served with Dunkin  Donut Coffee and people enjoyed the blast from the past as we  celebrated being all together for the first time in four years since  the Covid epidemic shut us down. The general consensus of those who attended was that it was more enjoyable to be  meeting in person than trying to interact on Zoom meetings.  While Zoom is convenient, it lacks a lot of personal interactions  possible while in person. It also had the advantage of being  able to allow real time access to the items being discussed,  which is only visual on the ZOOM programs. Touching and  examining the items on display was thought to be much more  fulfilling for most of the hams present. 

We also had the opportunity to hold a 50/50 drawing which was  won by Howard Groveman W6HDG, a new member to the club.  He won $30.00 from the $65.00 pot. The remainder of the funds  goes to offset costs of the meeting. Our door prize, a Baofeng radio was won in the door prize drawing by another newcomer  to the club, A.J. Horowitz KQ4QYJ. 

Our Sunday Dinner meeting on September 22, 2024 was lightly  attended and it is thought that we would be better served to  limit that opportunity for the group to three times a year instead of monthly. We are scheduled to meet October 20, 2024 at  GG’s of New York again for probably the last time this year.  Those wishing to come are welcome and asked to please  RSVP so we know how many to anticipate. Dirk and I were able  to practice setting up Zoom in the dining Room and were  excited at that opportunity.  

Our Treasurer, Dirk Basting N4AN, has been so gracious to  donate his gently used toys to us for auction. Many are very  expensive and have been made available in full working order  with little use at a discounted price. He plans to auction off  another item in our November meeting as he will be absent for  the October Meeting. Dirk has also been very actively getting  us speakers for our programs and all subjects have been  interesting and well received. Thank you Dirk for your  tremendous help to the club. 

Our October 24, 2024 meeting will feature Patrick from  Geochron, a fantastic product Dirk uses personally and it will be  an interesting item to hear about for most of us. I hope to see a  lot more people in person. 

The October meeting will also be the meeting where we  introduce the new slate for the 2025 Board of Directors. We are  currently seeking help for the Board positions including the  President position. To be eligible, you should be a member in  good standing for 2 years (dues kept current and paid in full). We have a Treasurer, Trustee, 2 Directors and a Vice President at this time. The position for Secretary is open. If you are  interested in running or helping us on the Board this coming  year, kindly contact Barry Porter KB1PA at 561-251-9150 or by  email barryp13@mac.com. Please hurry as time is getting  short.

As some of you already know, I will be stepping down from the  President position (again) to allow myself some much needed  attention to my personal health matters. I have just spread  myself too thin and have neglected family opportunities to serve  on the Board and for Field Day activities. While fun, these  duties have me slightly exhausted and I will also need to forego  some of my people caretaker duties as well. The last 15 years  hold many wonderful memories which I would not trade for  anything else, however, the clock only ticks so long for  everyone. If anyone is sincerely interested in the President  position and would like to talk to me about what it has entailed, you may call me at 954-560-3706. 

Thank you all for being the best, most friendly Radio Club  around. We are full of helpful, cheerful and cooperative people  that I have ever seen. It has been a real delight to be  associated with each and every one of you. God bless all.

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