Call to order – 7:00 p.m. on ZOOM meeting. The host will mute everyone
while reports are given. Please use the raise hand button to ask a question
or make a comment. Thank you.


Minutes of previous meeting on July 28, 2020___
Draft minutes on website. Motion to approve? Second?
All in favor say “aye.” Opposed, “no.”
Treasurer’s report. Erik Olmer W4EJO
Membership report. Joe McGee
Testing report. Jeff Stahl K4BH – Any news on when testing can start?
Corona Virus report – Jeff Stahl
Repeater report. Ricky Eaton KD4HGR
Webmaster report, if any. John invites us to submit articles for the blog.

Call for old business

We still have not heard when the hospital will be allowing our club to meet
yet so we will continue with Zoom meetings. As far as our quarterly dinners
and biannual picnics, they are on hold until the dust settles from the latest
rise in COVID-19 cases. It does not appear to be safe to meet in public with
groups larger than 10, masked or not.

The Board would like to pursue getting a brick from the ARRL for ROY
KJ4EGN, SK. We will start taking donations this month and September.
We will join with the Palmetto ARC for that purpose.

I am taking names for the secretary position at this time due to the
unfortunate demise of Roy. You must have computer skills, time to
dedicate, the ability to be discreet with personal business matters and an
organizational ability. Anyone who is interested, please call Melanie
privately at 954-560-3706. You must have been a member in good
standing with the Club with up to date dues for at least one year. All
candidates will have the opportunity to make a case for their inclusion in
our list of choices. Thank you.

Hope Search is looking for issues of CQ Magazine for the months of March
through present for reading material. Please contact Melanie to pick up and
deliver to Hope. 954-560-3706

Kenny Hollenbeck has an announcement- SEFTN needs volunteer control
operators even if just for one day, etc.

Carol Sjursen has a ARESRACES Announcement. Need volunteers for

Introduction of speaker Joe McGee, NX4T, will speak to us about the
HF radio the club purchased and has set up. Several of our best hams
have had a hand in the setting up of the system. Thank you to
everyone who lent a hand in the process.


Thank the speaker.

“The chair will entertain a motion to adjourn.”

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