1) Call to Order
Melanie Fernandez (KJ4VCT) called on ZOOM to order the Gold Coast Amateur Radio Association’s Board meeting at 14:44 EDT (18:44 UTC) on July 24, 2022. A quorum was present with six board members.
Members present: Melanie Fernandez (KJ4VCT), Charlie Artner (KN4VDW), Erik Olmer (W4EJO), Jeff Stahl (K4BH), Ricky Eaton (KD4HGR), Tom Savoca (K9TJS)
Members Absent (Excused): Ricki Witte (KJ4FSJ)
2) Old Business
a) Echo Link – Ricky Eaton (KD4HGR)
On hold due to other projects.
b) WinLInk – Charlie Artner (KN4VDW)
On hold due to other projects.
c) 2023 Winter Field Day / Summer Field Day
January 28-29, 2023, is penciled in for Quiet Waters Park. Erik Olmer (W4EJO) has not touched base with Carol Sjursen (KJ4AWB) yet to work on the letter of intent (see sample) for both field days. The deadline for the letters has been extended to August 3, 2022.
d) 2022 ARRL Summer Field Day Recap/Discuss future events
Charlie Artner (KN4VDW) made the motion to adopt the ICS model presented by Jeff Stahl (K4BH) for future Field Day administration. Motion seconded by Jeff Stahl (K4BH); motion passed 6-0.
e) HF Station – Ricky Eaton (KD4HGR)
The noise level is still very high on 80m. The plan was to move the end-fed antenna to the east side of the building. Due to Ricky Eaton’s (KD4HGR) busy schedule, the antenna move has not happened yet. It was also suggested to drop the HF project altogether. After some discussion, this idea was pushed aside for now until the following steps have been executed:
- Move the antenna to the eastside and check if the noise situation has improved
- If it has not improved, try a center-fed dipole antenna or TFD.
Ricky Eaton (KD4HGR) will attempt to move the antenna before the next board meeting.
f) Move WX station to Point of Americas – Ricky Eaton (KD4HGR)
Melanie Fernandez (KJ4VCT) asked Dirk Basting (N4AN) if he would host the WX station, and he agreed. Ricky Eaton (KD4HGR) will have to find time to get it from Boca and bring it to Dirk.
Tabled until next meeting.
3) New Business
a) New banners for our events
Charlie Artner (KN4VDW) will contact Peter Roark in TX to get an estimate for a new Branding Guide.
b) Boca Repeater
Ricky Eaton (KD4HGR) reported that he had not yet replaced the repeater at our Boca location. We also do not have a new site for the repeater.
4) Adjournment
Melanie Fernandez (KJ4VCT) adjourned the meeting at 15:58 EDT (19:58 UTC).