The Gold Coast Amateur Radio Assn. was called to order at 8:22 AM at JJ’s Café 6051 NW 31st Ave. Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33309 by Melanie Fernandez
Attendees were: Melanie Fernandez, Jeff Stahl, Erik Olmer, Joe McGee, Ricki Witte and Roy Neiman. Rick Eaton was ill so no Repeater details were available at the meeting. Mike Wolfe was also absent as he had to work.
Web Site:

Joe McGee, Jeff Stahl, Ricky Eaton and Eric Rodriguez to form committee to define and analyze problem with the JKV Antenna now that the hardline was installed. Problems with line noise, static and SWR going back to the amp and repeater to be studied further and corrected before any funds are disseminated for a new antenna.

Imperial Point ANTENNA:
Robin Terrell and Carol Sjursen need to be contacted about the antenna situation at Imperial Point Hospital and who RACES will get with proper credentials to man in a hurricane. They are on the RACES list for EOC information.

Field Day:
Jeff, Joe, Ricky and Dan Vasilca to start making plans for the June Field Day. All logging computers are to be synchronized beforehand. Joe stressed that more operators are needed. They also want to emphasize more Digital. Rick and Chuck Gress are to handle those contacts. The Field Day Team will meet independently to make plans and then disseminate to Board when ready.

CERT members are encouraged to get their Ham license. Many have already attained theirs.
New Business:
John Knox Village: Ricky is to find how Jerry Felsky will fit into the situation of manning the site during an emergency, as well as, assisting with the Repeater.

The 120 volt AC plug group hasn’t been handled by the maintenance man. Only 1 outlet is available and if it fails, the Repeater is down. Joe McGee offered to look at it and get with Ricky to see how it can be tactfully remedied.

We also need to verify that our equipment is secure. No door on room. Should we add Echolink to the Repeater? More discussion at future meetings. The subject of GCARA owned radios related equipment was voted down. The main reason is that coming out of storage over a long period of time, it may not perform properly. Members radios are used frequently, which makes them more reliable. Will inform Ricky Eaton. The combined group picnic and Mini Field Day on April 13 will begin at about 10:00 AM and end around 4 PM. A “Fox Hunt” will be after lunch. Also, please attend the Cy Harris Free Flea before heading to the park.

There is a prize for the PIO given by the ARRL Erik was voted into that position and will take the test. Mike Wolf will assist as can. The discussion on the Survey was tabled until all results are in.

Other suggestions were: A welcoming committee to help new people who join the club or new hams when they pass their tests to get integrated into the Ham Community.

Personal introductions to be made to other members who agree to help mentor new people or to be ELMERS.

“Tell your story.” Put on Website? Idea for new feature for website. Prorating dues was discussed. Presently the $30.00 dues for the year are expected in January, February and March. More discussion needed at the next meeting. Ricki Witte to produce the info and report by email to the Board.

Next Board Meeting May 4, 2019
Meeting adjourned 9:56 AM
Respectfully submitted by Roy Neiman, Secretary

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