1) Call to Order
Erik Olmer (W4EJO) called the meeting to order at 14:39 hours on February 26, 2023. A quorom is present with five (5)
board members.
Members present: Erik Olmer (W4EJO), Melanie Fernandez (KJ4VCT), Ricki Witte (KJ4FSJ), Ben Echavarria (N7BBE), Ricky Eaton (KD4HGR), Tom Savoca (K9TJS)
Robert Ligum (KN4WII) Treasurer had submitted his resignation. Erik Olmer will fill in as interim Treasurer.
2) Secretary – Ben Echavarria (N7BBE)
- Approval of previous minutes.
- Attendance taken of officers.
3) Presidents Report – Erik Olmer (W4EJO)
- Speaker schedule
- March 28 – Joe Garcia (N1JQ) W1AW Trustee, will give a virtual tour of the W1AW Station.
- April 25 – Robert Molleda of the NWS Hurricane Season Prep
- May 23 – Bob Heil, will give a talk on various subjects.
- Other future events:
- April 8 – Picnic at Vista View Park in Davie
- Need Fox Hunt Equipment and skilled operators.
- Empty plastic eggs
- Candy
- We are making it a “free event” minimal picnic food, emphasize showing off amateur radio equipment and skills.
- “Donate to GCARA” QR code hung around the pavilion.
- Networks needed to advertise event to public.
- Need “teams” to register”.
- Egg hunt “teams” will include kids, adult guardian(s) and at least one ham to help with fox hunting and to answer the questions about amateur radio located inside the eggs. (bonus points)
- April 15 & 16 – MS BIKE RIDE
- Need volunteers to sign up on our web sight for this event.
- June 24 & 25 – Summer Field Day
- • IC will be picked 3/1/2023.
- • Ben E (N7BBE) will be the Safety Officer “one more time”, so we need a deputy.\
- July 18 10:30am – library Presentation at Century Plaza Library in Deerfield Beach.
4) Vice President Ricki Witte (KJ4FSJ)
- Committee Reports:
- MS BIKE RIDE – N7BBE is Bike Ride Chairman
- April 15 & 16
- Need to enroll communicators.
- Winter Field Day – W4EJO
- Testing – K4BH
- Broward ARES/RACES – KJ4AWB Races chairman/K4BH ARES EC
5) Interim Treasurer, Erik Olmer (W4EJO)
- Current checking balance as of 2/26/2023 – $8126.29
- Current stripe balance as of 2/26/2023 – $0
- Cash on hand – $67.00
- WFD Cash Donations – $40.00
- WFD Online Donations – $540.00
- WFD Expenses – $573.64
- WFD REVENUE/loss – +$6.38
6) Repeater Trustee – Ricky Eaton (KD4HGR)
- HF Station – Second dry run with Ricki in March
- Discuss NT4AL proposal of receiving station to add to JKV
- Antenna Analyzer – Will be shipped with W4EJO done with project
7) Member at Large – Melanie Fernandez (KJ4VCT)
- Sunshine Committee – Report on any “good and welfare” topics about club membership
- Events scheduled on or before next month’s general meeting
- 2/26/2023 – Wings Plus 7:00 pm
- 2/28/2023 – GCARA General Meeting
- 3/18/2023 – Skywarn
- 3/26/2023 – Next Dinner
- New members and renewals since last general meeting
- Report on any web page updates
- Summarize past month committee activity on social media and other forums
- Discuss any PIO committee activity planned on or before the next general meeting
9) Old Business
- Joe Ruby Brick – In the works
- Banners – PIO Committee will be asked to submit proposal by March
- Vests – Need to be ordered
10) New Business
- Money Minder Invoice $238.00 due
- Consideration of club business cards and QSL cards
- Consideration of dues forgiveness $23.00 to Kenny and his wife for family membership in consideration of the multiple ways Kenny helps the GCARA via the SEFTN
- Consideration of purchase of antenna adapter kit
- https://powerwerx.com/30-piece-rf-adapter-kit?gclid=Cj0KCQiAo-yfbhDARlsANr56g4u03q2lf8dF99HR8eqo0LfVVYHosskEzQXNdQOgUpdbnKc2Lh-m8UaArlmEALw wcB
- To be kept with antenna analyzer guaranteeing that we can mate the tool to any system, and to serve for emergency adapters needed at events such as field day, or during actual communications disasters
- Will monitor for interest in Treasurer position, will name nominating committee if no one expresses interest, hold special election March 2023