Gold Coast Amateur Radio Association Board Meeting Minutes
1) Call to Order
Erik Olmer (W4EJO) called the meeting to order at 14:33 hours on May 21, 2023. A quorum is present members with five (5) board
And a reminder about supporting the amateur radio community.
° GCARA stands on its own merits and never bad mouths other clubs.
° We seek ways to work in tandem with other clubs so the amateur radio community benefits from the synergy of each club’s unique specialties.
Members present: Erik Olmer (W4EJO), Melanie Fernandez (KJ4VCT), Ricki Witte (KJ4FSJ), Ben Echavarria (N7BBE), Ricky Eaton (KD4HGR)
Members excused: Dirk Basting N4AN and Tom Savoca K9TJS
2) Secretary – Ben Echavarria (N7BBE)
- Approval of previous minutes.
- Attendance taken of officers.
3) Presidents Report – Erik Olmer (W4EJO)
- Summary of past months events and activities
° Ham and Eggs
° Egg hunt/Picnic
° MS Bike Ride - Future events
° July 18 10:30am – Library Presentation at Century Plaza Branch Library in Deerfield Beach
4) Vice President Ricki Witte (KJ4FSJ)
- Treasurer transition finalized
- Committee Reports:
° June 24 & 25 – Summer Field Day
° W4EJO is Summer Field Day Coordinator
° Jeff Stahl is Technical Advisor
° Ben E (N7BBE) will be the Safety Officer
- Joe McGee (NX4T) and Al Lisler (NT4AL) will lead team tuning of the GOTA and SSB antennas
- This will function as a public demonstration and an educational event for hams
- Green means GO-TA (get on the air)
- Lunch Saturday – “free picnic” food, like the Spring Event
- Dinner Saturday – stew, chili, donations or GOTA time required (setup, operating, or mentoring)
- Flyer to introduce club, handout
° Testing – Jeff Stahl (K4BH)
- Will work with Tom Savoca (K9TJS) to have RSVP system and PR for our new Testing Sessions
° Broward ARES/RACES – Carol Sjursen RACES chairman/Jeff Stahl (K4BH) ARES EC
- June 1 is Hurricane season
5) Treasurer Report Dirk Basting (N4AN)
- Current checking balance (as of 5/20/23) $7,488.67
- Current stripe balance (as of 5/20/23) $0
- Cash on hand: $0
- Membership:
° Annual current – 38
° Annual Family – 4
° Lifetime – 18
° “Unpaid” – 49 - Goal is 50% collection by July 1, 2023
- Review membership report distributed and talk to anyone who has “paid through” date in the past
- Ask for year members joined club
6) Repeater Trustee – Ricky Eaton (KD4HGR)
- Need a vision for what our repeaters and other hardware
- Where are we going and what do we have?
- Unload surplus equipment and procure missing equipment to build the vision of hardware we want for the club
- Donated HF radio, to replace existing HF radio and auction old radio for club fundraiser
7) Member at Large – Melanie Fernandez (KJ4VCT)
- Sunshine Committee – Report on any “good and welfare” topics about club membership.
- Next Speakers
° May 23 – Bob Heil
° June 27 – Erik Olmer (W4EJO), Shelter Communications - New members and renewals since last general meeting
° Aurora Figueiredo KQ4IOW
- Shirt sales on webpage
- Business Expo June 10
9) Old Business
- Banners – Pending, discuss in conjunction with inflatable helium balloon for next years Winter Field Day
- Business cards/QSL Cards – designs discussed, need to be finalized and ordered
- Shirts / Patches / Stickers
10) New Business
- Discussion of Lifetime members
11) Announcements
12) Adjournment
Meeting adjourned by Erik Olmer (W4EJO) at 3:28 pm