12:36 PM President, Melanie Fernandez J4VCT Opened the meeting held at her home in DelRay Beach, FL.
Members Present
Melanie Fernandez, Jeff Stahl, Rick Eaton, Joe McGee, Erik Olmer, Mike Wolfe and
Roy Neiman.
Resources: Chuck Gress, and Carol Sjursen
Rick: The new antenna is installed and working great! It was moved to the Southeast corner of the building. The output is 100 watts at present. Note: We have no backup equipment in case the Repeater has problems.
The DMR Repeater is working well. The Fusion Repeater is on Dirk’s building.
The Boca Repeater site has had some personnel changes. Rick needs to establish who can gain access to our Repeater. Hopefully Ralph, N0LO can speak to his contact. The Repeater overheated when the Boca Club used it for their nets while their repeater was down.
Joe McGee: Agreed to work out the technical aspects of the June Field Day again with Dan Vasilca ,Jeff Stahl, Rick and Chuck will work as a committee to support the plan on Field Day this June 27 and 28, 2020. We will have 3 transmitters. Joe and Kenny will bring generators. Erik will handle the GOTA station that Jeff will provide. The GOTA must have its own call sign.
Chuck Gress will handle the VHF and Satellite contacts. Rick and Chuck will do PSK31 and RTTY. It was suggested that Chuck keep the Satellite station running and announce the passes of the International Space Station.
Melanie and Carol will secure Quiet Waters Park.
Carol will chair the Publicity Team.
Melanie suggests 48X60 Banner(s), rather than the small signs. It was suggested that it say “Radio Field Day Exhibition” Where to locate to be determined. A 10x10ft. Popup tent may be considered for the satellite stations.
Jerry Deitch will head up the food committee along with help with Steve Martin, Mike Wolf and Erik Olmer.
Erik has the Deerfield Beach Proclomation in the works .
We will Email a Survey to the club to determine the best way to handle the food, which continues to be a challenge to plan for without waste.
VIP’s are to be there at 3 PM on Saturday.
Secretary Notes: Rick is a member of 2 local clubs. Roy is a member of 3 Local and 1 Michigan club.
Dinner Dates at Wings Plus
May 23rd at 7PM
July 18th at 7PM
October 3 at 7PM
Vista View Picnics
April 18th at 9 to 4
November 7th at 9 to 4
The meeting was adjourned at 2:48 EDT by President, Melanie
Fernandez, KJ4VCT.
Respectfully submitted by Roy Neiman KJ4EGN,