Gold Coast Amateur Radio Association
General Membership Meeting
Meeting Minutes

1)  Call to Order

Melanie Fernandez (KJ4VCT) called to order the Gold Coast Amateur Radio Association’s regular meeting at 19:30 EDT (23:30UTC) on June 22, 2021, over ZOOM. A quorum was present with 21 members and.

2)  Pledge of Allegiance

3)  Secretary’s Report – Charlie Artner (KN4VDW)

Motion to accept minutes Erik Olmer (W4EJO) second motion passed without objection.

4)  Treasurer’s Report – Erik Olmer (W4EJO)

We collected dues from new members Steve Surowinski, Ben Echavarria, Doug Mitchell, Kenny, and Sally Hollenbeck renewed Marty Falk renewed. We also received several donations for $145.00. Recurring fees totaled $20.00 this month. The bank fees for this month have not been posted yet, so we may have 2 bank fees in the next month’s report. PayPal fees were $13.59 this month.

In Summary,

we received $200 in dues this month,
$145.00 in Donations,
total expenses on PayPal $13.59,
Transfer from PayPal to Checking $312.12,
For the Picnic, we collected $80.00,
Checking account has currently $6,723.61,
PayPal account has $144.75
Total Club Asses are $6,868.36

5)  Membership Chair’s Report – Joe McGee (NX4T)

53 Active members and 18 Lifetime members (3 new members). It has been talked about trying to get the VEC going again, possibly at Joe McGee’s (NX4T) place.

6)  VE Status Report – Jeff Stahl (K4BH)

Jeff Stahl (K4BH) was not present at today’s meeting.

7)  Repeater Report – Ricky Eaton (KD4HGR)

Repeaters are working as expected. The clock on the Boca repeater will be disabled because it is constantly wrong and the only way to correct the clock is to be physically in front of the repeater. As soon as the hospital will let Ricky Eaton (KD4HGR) back into the repeater room he will install the amplifier at the .820 machine and deactivate the clock.

8)  Web Admin Report – Charlie Artner (KN4VDW)

Charlie Artner (KN4VDW) gave an update on all the changes that have happened to the website recently. Added features include:

9)  Announcements

a)    Mini Field Day/Picnic on July 10, 2021, @ Vista View Park, Pavilion #1

Open from 09:00 – 16:00
4001 SW 142 Ave
Davie, FL 33330

b)   GCARA is now a 501(C)(3)

Our club is now a not-for-profit organization, and any donation can be deducted from the taxes.

c)    Ongoing projects

Currently, there are 2 big projects ongoing. (1) Amplification for the HF remote state at Joe McGee (NX4T) house, which needs appr. $1,200.00, maybe even close to $2,000.00 (2) restoring the infrastructure to get better coverage throughout Broward County. Donations are welcomed.

10)      Speaker: Joe McGee (NX4T)

20:07 EDT (00:07 UTC) Joe McGee (NX4T) is speaking to the club tonight on “Basic Electronics.”
The presentation lasted from 20:07 EDT (00:07 UTC) until

11)       Adjournment

Melanie Fernandez (KJ4VCT)adjourned the meeting at 21:15 EDT (01:15 UTC).

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