Our board set out to achieve 6 things this year:
1. Set up / breakdown an amateur radio field station category 3O, limited to 100 watts
… in the rain! Thanks to our setup team, the success of the operation provides a measurable testament to your achievement.

Left to right Setup Manager Al Lisler NT4AL, Erik Olmer W4EJO, Digital Station Manager Rick Eaton KD4HGR, Forrest Smorag KA4JHM, Bill Mercer KE8TPU, Safety Manager Ben Echavarria N7BBE, Phone Station Manager Halfmoon Silva AJ4JG, CW Station Manager / Operator MVP Dan Vasilca AI4WW.
2. Successfully make multiple contacts on all bands using CW, phone and digital modes
… “Aloha!”

Robert Ligum (KN4WII)made a SSB contact with Hawaii on 10 Meters, as an excellent start to our weekend… and from there we got almost a complete clean sweep working all bands and modes that we set out to work.

Satellite Manager Jan Welten (KK3W) made satellite contacts look easy with his home brew tracking system.

CW Station Manager / Operator MVP Dan Vasilca AI4WW did his thing! Huge shout out to Dan for his efforts handling the entire CW station planning, setup and operation and for all of the contacts he made!

Digital Station Manager – Rick Eaton KD4HGRalso did his thing! Rick had some equipment problems to troubleshoot, but he was prepared and was part of the setup, overnight and breakdown crews!
3. Correctly log the designated exchanges during the operational period
Thanks to Dan (AI4WW) and Rick (KD4HGR) for getting the computers setup ahead of time and to everyone who pitched in helping log on the SSB station.
4. Ensure event is enjoyable to club members and guests

We got Hope on the air, again!

Did I mention Liggy worked Hawaii!!!

SSB Setup Manager Al Lisler (NT4AL) gave a great presentation about a SDR receiving system he is looking to donate for the club’s use. We were excited for Al to participate in this event as his first one on American soil and the first one as an American citizen. Please welcome your new countryman when you see him.
#5 Provide food for guests

Melanie (KJ4VCT) and Gerry (W4LST) … also did their thing, and newcomer Jo Cummings (N2QFT) contributed substantially to the event.
5. Use event to expand awareness of amateur radio

Thanks to Carol for all of her efforts coordinating with her contacts within Broward County to get the pavilion donated to us for the event. She worked on the PIO committee and helped with the social media leading up to and covering the event including working with Tom photographing the event.

Tom Savoca (K9TJS) was too humble to take a photo of himself, but because of Tom, I was able to give the high school student at our event our Instagram information, and he’s going to help keep his whole family updated about our events in the future now.
The PIO committee also received media coverage from Margate Talk.
These photos and anecdotes scratch the surface demonstrating the fruits of hard work that our members put into planning and executing the event. Thanks again to everyone, and now we move onward to Summer Field Day!
Erik, W4EJO