CQ, CQ, CQ: Calling ALL Hams

Hello, this is your President calling!

GCARA is in NEED for new smiling faces to help FACILITATE the many needs of the club. We are seeking first, those who wish to serve their radio club and have or can make time in their schedule to do small, important jobs. That is a start!

Second, we are seeking those who work well in an integrated group of people with varying backgrounds and that know how to be a team player while feeling secure enough to offer solutions for the problems which SOMETIMES arise. We are looking for a mature person, not prone to gossip or “spreading gossip”.

Third, it would be helpful, but not necessarily essential, to have a little computer savvy for the job. I, myself, am learning from others on the Board as we speak. The Board contains very generous people who love sharing info and are willing to mentor anyone who has a need.

Fourth, we are looking for someone who loves to network among the other clubs, make valuable new friends, and be a great ambassador for Ham radio.

Fifth, the need for a person with his or her finger on the pulse of the club is a great help to the success of the club, knowing the membership is helpful and often time plays an important part of problem solving when it is needed. Knowing who is not doing well Healthwise, who is a shut in but still supports the club and wants to be viable in life is very important, as well as someone who is keeping abreast of those who are in need of specialized training or who desire to learn a new area of the hobby. It is said, information is power and that it is. The information you glean from conversations with fellow hams, can help them develop skills they need to be more successful as a ham and a positive influence on other hams. The world is in short supply of those who build good strong foundations with people and encourage others to succeed as they succeed. We can never know everything but we can share knowledge and become genius as a group.

Sixth, besides sharing and caring for one another, we are in need of those who remember the past in ham radio but are willing to try out the new so we keep up to date in attracting brilliant people who can give a lot to the organization. There is a strong need for the “worker bees”, too, and we do not underrate those people, whose skill set is in service to others. All can combine forces for a strong, meaningful and effective organization.

Seventh, we are looking for a genuine willingness to serve others to maintain this club as Chuck Ritchie founded for us 50 years ago. If we do not get someone willing to serve and take responsibility, the club’s future is in doubt and that would be a shame. It is essentially a group of good, varied, and interesting people who make up this club and I have enjoyed associating with each and every one of you. No matter what you bring to the table, it IS APPRECIATED.

GCARA is once again looking for leadership as its President, and as its Director at Large. The President presides and works well with others to help them achieve the level of success ALL are capable of. They are NOT divisive or self-seeking, instead they lead by example. The Director supports the club in any capacity the President needs. This person will help keep an eye on things.

Our Board is already built with strong, independent thinkers who cherish hearing other’s opinions and do not become obstinate or opiniated to a detriment and therefore are able to legislate fairly, the matters before them.

So far, Ricki Witte KJ4FSJ has consented to perform the duties of secretary for the Board. A para-legal, Ricki brings a lot of knowledge about current affairs, peoples, and legal matters. We are so blessed to have her on board, literally. She keeps meticulous records and is well suited for the position and despite working a fulltime job, will make time for us in 2024.

We are also very lucky to have Dirk Basting, PhD, as Treasurer. His skill set with science and particular attention to details and numbers makes him well suited for leadership in this area. A good Treasurer is hard to find. The job has a lot of responsibility, and the person needs to be above scrutiny in all of his dealings with people. We are secure in the knowledge that Dirk is such a person.

Our Web and Information Technology department, Director PIO position is also filled with a very talented, ingenious and patient person, Tom Savoca K9TJS. He is well versed in Google, computer usage and PIO work. He heavily promotes other organizations and knows the ins and outs of doing it. He is full of new ideas and his critical thinking skills make it a pleasure to interface with him.

Our Vice President choice for 2024 is now Secretary Ben Echavarria N7BBE. He comes fully loaded with various and sundry certifications as a shelter manager, crisis manager and is willing to support the efforts of the next President, whomever they be. He is an avid radio enthusiast who gives as a volunteer on multiple projects cheerfully and effectively. Ben does not run as President this year as it is more time than he can afford to spend with all of his other activities.

Ricky Eaton KD4HGR will continue to lead the Repeater Maintenance/Technical Team as Repeater Trustee. Ricky engenders the characteristics of someone who is able to successfully link the technical with the human in this endeavor. He plays well with others and keeps his team on a steady course while allowing others to share knowledge with him. Ricky works with equally gifted but hardly ever publicly seen, Eric Rodriguez KF4LZA. The reason he is seldomly publicly seen is that he works fulltime in the business and manages several complex communication platforms as it is and time with his family is important to him. Thank you, gentlemen, for all you give in your daily lives with grace, humility and generosity of spirit. {If you have a technical itch that needs to be scratched, the two gentlemen, will gladly take your help and get you onboard with the tasks at hand. I said it before and I will keep saying it, “Many hands make light work”.}

Besides the Board positions, we are in need of a Parliamentarian, VE capable people and those who wish to familiarize themselves with the VE liaison position as an educational objective, a Historian and those who like calling members and chatting with them when they are in need of company or help. We have temporary odd jobs like feeding people on Field Days and Picnics on the Food Committee. It may involve shopping and carting goods to the park or it may be in prep or planning, whatever your flavor is!

GCARA looks forward to a very exciting year as a quality club geared to its member’s development in every area and that strives to make commitments to support our communities and other sister clubs, always. It is a TALL order perhaps, but accomplishable. Everyone needs to be a part of the whole in the way that they can be. To happiness and quality of life! God bless everyone and may they make many more QSOs in life.

Submitted by Melanie Fernandez KJ4VCT
President GCARA 2023

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