GCARA has a new and younger Board now, fully charged with the responsibility of leading us into the new year. It is my hope that the new people will offer a fresh approach to maintaining our fun hobby by its work and dedication to the hobby we all enjoy.

Congratulations to ERIK OLMER W4EJO, the new president,

Ben Echavarria N7BBE, as the new Secretary,

Robert “Liggy” Ligum KN4WII, as the new Treasurer,

Thomas Savoca K9TJS as Director/PIO,

Ricki Witte KJ4FSJ, as a very supportive and able Vice President,

Ricky Eaton KD4HG, as the stable REPEATER TRUSTEE and the leader of the Technical Team for the club.

I will remain in the wings as Director at Large, for continuity and to help out where ever and when ever there is a need. I have great confidence and look forward to what each person offers to the Board.

Happy 2023 ya’ll and God Bless.

Melanie Fernandez KJ4VCT

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