CQ, CQ, CQ – Calling all hams……….

The old Board and the new Board of GCARA want to wish everyone a very happy, healthy and prosperous Holiday Season and New Year! We are grateful to serve a club like GCARA, seeing that it grows in educational opportunities, volunteer opportunities, and expanding our communication footprint to cover the tri-county area. We stand as YOUR representative in the ham community to generate the help to the community that hams are fundamentally best at doing.

We learn, we help, we serve, and we give back to the community that needs us in our daily contributions of practicing our craft and developing new ways to communicate and most of all, volunteering our time and talents to those who need our services.

We are currently preparing for our annual practice of emergency communication at our Winter Field Day at Quiet Waters Park on January 28th and 29th, 2023. All are welcome to participate, learn and grow in your craft as we have fun working together to communicate in emergency situations. There is a job for EVERYONE.

Many hands make light work. If you want to ‘throw your hat in the ring’, kindly contact President Elect Erik Olmer W4EJO, this year’s Winter Field Day Chairman at President@w4bug.org or call 754-444-1187.

Enjoy your Holidays, whatever they may be, and God Bless everyone.

Signing off for 2022, 73,

Melanie, Jeff, Ricky, Ricki, Erik, Charlie, Tom, Ben, and “Liggy”.

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