First let me say a little about myself. I am a US Army Veteran and my job was a Field Radio repairman from 1980-1984 active duty so I have quite a bit of knowledge. But I don’t know everything and still learning to this day and second I want to say thank you to Radioddity for allowing me to give my thoughts to this radio which is the Radioddity QT-40.
It’s a great 10m radio right out of the box but with a couple of quick mods which is very simple and you have a great CB rig as well as it will cover all the 10 / 11 and 12 meters as well. You must Also use the software to complete this mod by using the drop down box and changing it to CB mode to complete the expanded TX RX frequencies. So instead of buying a plane old CB rig why not give this radio a chance as you get basically 3 band and full output power on all 3 bands.
It does SSB / AM / FM. It has a programable Roger Beep and Echo built in ( not allowed on ham bands ) and can be setup to the way you want.
There are several different roger beeps to choose from and there is several different delays in the each settings as well.
Also in the software for this rig is a setting to turn as a SWR meter which shows up in the channel selector. So say your SWR is 1.6 when you key the rig the channel leaves and it will display 1.6 instead of the channel you were on.
It has a high and low switch on the rig which is High band and Low band and a knob that goes from A-F giving you 40 channels on each plus the high and low for a total of 480 channels.
Also if you set up the Fine tune knob in the software you get the alpha channels on 11 meters and you miss nothing.
This control can be set in the software to what you want it defaults to 0.05 if I remember correctly.
If you hold down both the up and down buttons on the microphone then you channel display shows the Frequency read out 2 digits at a time.
If you hold down the UP button on the microphone while turning on the power it gets you into the radio menu so you can turn things on and off such as the channel beep and the echo on or off as well as the Roger beep.
I found the manual to be incorrect in this as it does not state the radio needs to be off. I would have liked a full digital display read out for this part. I think it would look better.
This is a nicely built unit and I really love it. I’m going to be taking this out and really give it a great run and testing.
I can honestly say that this rig is a very nice radio with the old style look of the old Dynascan Corp. / Cobra 138XLR or 148XLR type radios.
I love the look and I’m still learn all the functions of this radio.
If you want a good strong CB then this is the radio for you as it covers 40 channels below CH 1 and 1-40 regular and CH 41-85 in all modes and all power.
I almost forgot it also has the weather channels built into it as well which you truck drivers and others may find very useful.
It’s a lot cheaper than some of your other 10m rigs but you can’t go wrong at the price of $199.99 currently $174.99 and if you sign up for their email you get another $10 off.
I want to suggest that you give this great little rig a chance and I think you will be pleased with what it can do.
Rick Eaton KD4HGR – Trustee of the W4BUG repeaters and the Gold Coast Radio Club
73 and happy DX’ing